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What is the value of a Dominican Republic coin?

Dominican Republic (since 1844) Dominican Peso=8 reales (1844-1870) 1/4 real 1848 brass 1/4 1848 / Denomination within inner circle REPUBLICA DOMINICANA / Legend surrounds inner circle Coin value - $5-10 Reform 1871 Dominican Peso=100 centavos (1871-1890) 2.5 centavos 1888 copper-nickel 2 1/2 CENTAVOS 1888 / Denomination within wreath

How much is a 1897 Dominican peso worth?

Reform 1897 Dominican Peso=100 centavos (1897-1936) 20 centavos 1897 silver 20 CENTAVOS 1897 / Liberty head left REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 5 GRAMOS / National arms Coin value - $4-7 10 centavos 1897 silver 10 CENTAVOS 1897 / Liberty head left REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 2 1/2 GRAMOS / National arms Coin value - $10-20 Reform 1937 Dominican Peso=100 centavos

What is the value of a Dias Patria Libertad coin?

DIOS PATRIA LIBERTAD / REPUBLICA DOMINICANA / National arms Coin value - $2-3 1 centavo 1975 (1968-1975) bronze circulation coinage UN CENTAVO 3 GRAMOS 1975 / Profile of native princess DIOS PATRIA LIBERTAD / REPUBLICA DOMINICANA / National arms Coin value - $2-3 1 centavo 1987 (1984-1987) copper circulation coinage CAONABO / Bust of Caonabo right

What is the value of national arms coins?

REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 1989 / National arms Coin value - <$1 10 centavos 1953 (1937-1961) silver 10 CENTAVOS 2 1/2 GRAMOS 1953 / Profile of native princess National arms Coin value - $5-7 10 centavos 1973 (1967-1975) copper-nickel 10 CENTAVOS 2 1/2 GRAMOS 1973 / Profile of native princess National arms Coin value - <$1 10 centavos 1984 (1983-1987)

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